Monday, January 12, 2015

19th Century Social Reforms Final

19th Century Prison reforms.

Philip: I do not know; what did you see there?
James: We saw a great many men shut up in the rooms, the doors of which were three or four inches thick, and large nails or spikes driven through them, with flatted heads, and so close together that they almost touch each other. The doors were locked with a padlock so large that I could hardly have carried it. The windows had bars of iron in them crossing each other, and so near together that a child could scarcely creep through; and the rooms were so dark and gloomy that we could but just see how dirty and frightful they looked.
Philip: Why were the men shut up in those ugly rooms?


During the time that this document was made, the 19th century prison reforms were in full stride. People during this time were starting to fight against how people were treated in the Insane asylum and that the people inside deserved better treatment. The document also talks about how people reacted to being treated unfair in the Insane asylum. In the document, the people did not understand why people were treated in such a bad way. They were confused why there was spikes driven in the door and why the room was so dark and scary. This document gives a great image of the 19th century prisons were run and how bad people actually were treated and how bad the insane asylum really was. The source is believable because it's a dialogue between a father and his two kids. The authors claims are that all the people in the asylum because they are drunks and that the drinking is making them act this way. I do not believe that this is completely true because not everyone is a drunk and some people have real problems. So I don't believe his claims are completely true. I think the author created this document to showcase the conditions that the people in the asylum were in. Also, I believe they made this document to show the reasons that they were in there. Some people believe that everyone in the asylum was a drunk and they acted the way they did because they were drunk.