Thursday, October 9, 2014

Capitalism, Socialism and Communism

The activity we did in class was fun and a little frustrating. First, we all got three pieces of candy to "gamble" with, if we lost all of our candy we had to sit down. This activity was aimed to show us how Capitalism worked, some people lost and other people won. The second activity we did was to show Socialism, everyone was handed an equal amount of candy and nobody had more than anyone else.This way we had a "classless" society. The last society we practiced was Communism. People were allowed to keep their candy, this would also create a classless society. The downfall to this theory is people they could trade or gamble their to get more or less. This would also create an uneven society.  I thought this activity was fun because we got to choose what we wanted to do with our candy.

Marx's had many theory's to help the poor, one of which was capitalism. Capitalism's goal was freedom of competition. Everyone could choose how much or how little they wanted to play. The problem with this theory was that some people won and others lost. This would create uneven social classes because some would have no candy and others would have a lot. The second theory was practiced was socialism.  Socialism is the idea of someone collecting every ones candy and distributing it equally. The goal of socialism was to have a class less society where everyone was equal and no one had more candy than anyone else. The final theory Marx's made to help the poor was communism. This idea of society needed no government or no one to supervise money distribution. The problem with communism was the fact that people would steal, gamble or even kill to get more candy. If this happened then there would still be the problem of more poor than rich. A better idea to society would be Smiths's idea of the invisible hand. The invisible hand is a theory that had people govern  themselves, the market would naturally flourish and people could make their own prices and business. The invisible hand would benefit the poor the most because other people were forced to lower prices so everyone can buy it, including the poor. Without the poor buying and trading most businesses wont succeed.

In my opinion the best theory is the invisible hand. I like this theory because businesses wont succeed without the help of the poor. Businesses had to lower prices and raise the quality so everyone could afford what they were selling. I think invisible hand is the best theory and I wouldn't want a different one.

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