Monday, November 10, 2014

The revolutions of 1830 and 1848

The essential question for this class was, Were the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 really failures as many historians concluded? To learn more in class we all read about our specific topics and made a survey for the class to be tested on.

My group was assigned the revolution of 1830 France. The whole goal of the French revolution of 1830 was to get Charles X out of power and establish a constitutional monarchy. Charles X had other ideas, he was a strong believer in absolutism and totally rejected the idea of the people's charter. This did make the people of France very happy, they strongly revolted against him and his ideas. The citizens of Paris basically had control of the city within days, they created barricades and fired upon soldiers with items like roof tiles and stones. Charles was so scared he fled to England.
 A quote provides a quick insight how of the people of France were thinking when electing a new King is. "Charles X can no longer return to Paris; he has caused the blood of the people to flow. The Republic would expose us to frightful division; it would embroil us with Europe. The Duke of Orleans [Louis Philippe] is a prince devoted"( Histoire Genrale, 287-288). France wanted to keep the idea of the constitutional monarchy, so the elected a "citizen king" who was the cousin of Charles X. Louis Philippe was later elected by the people to be the new king of France. The people of France thought very fondly of King Philippe. At the Proclamation of Deputes in France, the following quote was said about the soon King Philippe, "The Duke of Orleans (Louis Philippe) is devoted to the national and constitutional cause; he had always defended its interests and professed its principles. He will respect our rights…we shall assure ourselves by laws all the necessary guarantees in order to render liberty strong and durable,"( Lois, 84-85).  The quote is just showing that the people of the French revolution just want a king that is devoted and supports/listens to them. Under the New king only the upper bourgeois flourished and much of the people of France still could not vote and the middle class also flourished at the expense of the workers.  Link to our survey!

The Decembrist  revolution in my opinion was a failure because the people of Russia did not get the constitution they wanted in the first place. After Tsar Alexander I died, Constantine removed himself from the line of succession because he did not want to deal with the revolts of the people. The revolts of the people were quickly suppressed by Nicholas I and the revolting people did not up getting the constitution they wanted, so I think this revolution was a failure. The second failure of a revolution was the Frankfurt revolution. The people of Germany wanted to have more political rights and also wanted to have more liberty. The reason I think this revolution was a failure was because most of the people of Germany immigrated to places like Texas and the United States and I don't think a revolution can be a success when people flee to other countries. The last failure of revolution I want to talk about was the Revolution of 1830 in France. The reason I think this is a failure was because not all of the social classes got what they wanted. The working class suffered the most because people got benefits from their working expenses another reason it was a failure was because most of the people still could not vote. I think I would have to agree with the historians because most of the revolutions we talked about in class were failures and the ones that did not fail were barely a success.

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