Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Election of 1860

The next civil war unit we did was the Election of 1860 and the essential question from class was, " "How were the results of the Election of 1860 representative of the deep divisions over slavery?" To learn more about this topic in class we a crash course video in class, which was very helpful because crash course videos are my favorite. The country was divided in section, Lincoln was against slavery, Stephen A. Douglas was popular sovereignty which was when people were able to vote on whether not slavery existed, John Bell wanted to conserve the constitution and the union as it is, which included slavery. and John C. Breckenridge said that all slaves were inferior to whites and that slavery was the number one priority. Breckenridge was expected to win the Southern states because slavery was already entrenched in the South, Lincoln was expected to win the North because they were already against slavery and Douglas was expected to win Missouri because the Missouri people were already pro slavery.  Lincoln ended up winning the election of 1860.  We then analyzed five photographs. Then we used educreations to create a video explaining the election of 1860.

 link to our video: 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Info graph for the Civil War (updated)

Image result for anaconda plan

To start off the unit on the Civil War we learned about the various strategies and resources that both the North and the South had. The essential question from class was, "How did the differences between the North and South affect each region's strategy and success in the Civil War?" To begin the the unit we read three documents and analyzed them. The first article was called, "Railroad and Slave Density". It was about the railroad of 1860, slavery and cotton production of 1860. The second document we read was a pie chart that showed the various resources that the North and the South had. The Final document was Slavery by the numbers. This document just showed that numbers never lie.

The main assignment from this unit was to create an info graph that showed both the advantages that the North and the South had. The way I made was design was an info graph by using "Piktochart", which was hard to use. I choose the resources and advantage I had because I thought they were the most important to them. For example the most important thing to the North was the fact that they had more than double amount of railroad that the South had, this allowed them to move supplies and troops across the country faster. The major advantage that the South had was the fact that they could cut off the cotton supplies to the North and to Europe. This was because the South controlled all the exports of cotton. The North had the advantage of war plans. The North's plan was called the Anaconda Plan. The plan was to blockade the saltwater trade routes and stop all trade on the Mississippi so no war supplies could be imported and no cotton could be exported. In conclusion the North had better resources and better tactics which won them the war.

Link to Info Graph!:
Anaconda plan link!:

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Causes of the civil war

The essential question from class was  How we know the debate over slavery was the "elephant in the room" for American politics in the  early 19th century? To learn about this in class we read about Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Gadsden Purchase, Kansas ­Nebraska Act ,  Bleeding Kansas, Caning of Charles Sumner, Dred Scott Decision, Lincol/­Douglas Debates and John Brown's Raid.

The Missouri compromise of 1820 was that no state could enter as a slave state it was above the 36 degree 30 minute line. During the Gold rush of 1849, California's population increased so much that it proposed to become a free state. The problem with this is that if California enters as a free state then there would be a uneven amount of free and enslaved states. The decision about California was a 5-part compromise. While all this was going on we learned about Washington D.C being a massive slave market. The first compromise was that slavery was that slave trade would be abolished in but slavery would still be permitted. The second part of the compromise was that Texas was allowed to keep the land that it won from Mexico but in return it would be given 10 million dollars to pay off it's debt to Mexico and this part of the compromise the pleased the pro slavery advocates. The Third part of 1850 compromise was that New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah being organized without mention of slavery. The decision would be made by the territories' inhabitants later, when they applied for statehood. This part of the compromise just made everything hectic because the North and The South were sending people to the new land so they could make it either free or enslaved. California would be emitted as a free state but this angered the slave states politicians, so to loosen the tension another slave state would have to emitted to keep the balance of free to enslaved states. This created the fugitive slave act, which was the last part of the 5-part compromise The Fugitive slave act required citizens to help in the recovery of fugitive slaves. It denied a fugitive's right to a jury trial. Instead cases would be handled by commissioners who would be paid $5 if an alleged fugitive were released and $10 if he or she were sent away with the claimant.) The act called for changes in filing for a claim, making the process easier for slave owners. Also, according to the act, there would be more federal officials responsible for enforcing the law. The Fugitive Slave act made the South happy so everything was alright in United States for the time being, which didn't last long.,     California in 1850!

W also learned about the Gadsden Purchase, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Bleeding Kansas, The Caning of Charles Sumner and this events really just proved that slavery was the elephant in the room. The Kansas-Nebraska act abolished the Missouri compromise which made it easier for slave states to expand into the Northern states. This act led to a large amount of violent outbreaks that was latter called Bleeding Kansas. A Senator named Charles Sumner would give a two day speech called "The crime against Kansas", The senator from the North criticized the South for forcing slavery into North. Sumner also insulted Rep. Preston Brooks, a member of the House of Representatives. Brook's nephew was so mad that he went up to Sumner the next day and beat him with a cane. The caning of Charles Sumner just shows that slavery can turned the most civilized men into savages. After they got rid of the Missouri compromise of 1820 it just showed me that politicians were ignoring slavery and it truly was the elephant in the room. 

Our timeline: file:///C:/Users/jonathan/Downloads/Elephant%20in%20the%20room.pdf 
In our timeline it discusses the events of the 5-part compromise, caning of Charles Sumner, Kansas- Nebraska act and Bleeding Kansas!