Thursday, March 12, 2015

Info graph for the Civil War (updated)

Image result for anaconda plan

To start off the unit on the Civil War we learned about the various strategies and resources that both the North and the South had. The essential question from class was, "How did the differences between the North and South affect each region's strategy and success in the Civil War?" To begin the the unit we read three documents and analyzed them. The first article was called, "Railroad and Slave Density". It was about the railroad of 1860, slavery and cotton production of 1860. The second document we read was a pie chart that showed the various resources that the North and the South had. The Final document was Slavery by the numbers. This document just showed that numbers never lie.

The main assignment from this unit was to create an info graph that showed both the advantages that the North and the South had. The way I made was design was an info graph by using "Piktochart", which was hard to use. I choose the resources and advantage I had because I thought they were the most important to them. For example the most important thing to the North was the fact that they had more than double amount of railroad that the South had, this allowed them to move supplies and troops across the country faster. The major advantage that the South had was the fact that they could cut off the cotton supplies to the North and to Europe. This was because the South controlled all the exports of cotton. The North had the advantage of war plans. The North's plan was called the Anaconda Plan. The plan was to blockade the saltwater trade routes and stop all trade on the Mississippi so no war supplies could be imported and no cotton could be exported. In conclusion the North had better resources and better tactics which won them the war.

Link to Info Graph!:
Anaconda plan link!:

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