Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Civil War scavenger hunt

Matt weber 

The next unit we learned about in the Civil War were the important battles. The essential question from class was, Who was the ultimate victor In each of the the theaters, East, West no Naval? What we did in class to learn about this was, each person from class learned about a battle and created a google doc that gave a summary of the battle which included the victor, theater and why each side won. Then each person created a and a QR code to their Google doc so classmates could get to it. Next, we put up our google docs that we printed out around the school so our class mates had to go find them.

 Battle of Bull Run

The second essential question  from class was, who was the ultimate victor, and who won each of the theaters? The first theater is the Naval theater. The Union dominated the Confederacy in the Naval theater. Te reason for this was because the Union had a much larger navy than the Confederacy. The Union forces that had about 16,000 men, while the Confederacy had about 3,000 men. This caused the Unin to dominate the naval theater.  The Eastern theaters were mostly dominated by the Confederate, at he Confederates had the advantage in the Eastern theater becuase they were able to constantly ambush the Union and most of the time outnumber them. For example, at the second battle of Bull Run the Union lost about 13,830 troops while the Confederacy only lost about 8,350. The last theater was the Western theater, which was owned by the Western theater becasue they always outnumbered the Confederates. For example, the battle of Vicksburg and the Chattanooga Campaign. One commonalitie that I could find in the battles were that which ever theater it was in he he side with the more people usually won. In the end the Union owned two of the three theaters that there was fighting in. 

Link to our padlet: 

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