Sunday, September 28, 2014

MOSI Group Chat with Jamie

To prepare for the group chat with Jamie we watched a video and kept a list of terminology that we thought would be useful to know. After the video we got in our groups and looked up the words using the google keyword search that we learned in class. The last thing that we did to prepare for the video chat was make questions to ask Jamie, the question could be about anything we learned or wanted to know.

I learned a lot of things from the video chat, but what stood out to me the most was how many factory accidents there were. Kids were having their limbs ripped off or even having their fingers cut off by the machines. Another thing that I found interesting was how the countries made the mills safer by creating the Factory Act. The Factory act stated that nobody under the age of 9 could work at a mill. I found this to be safer than sending young kids to the factories where they are more likely to be hurt. The last thing that I found interesting was the fact that people could die from breathing in all the fibers and dust. Workers would get a disease where there was no room left in their lungs because of the fibers and dust and it caused them not to be able to breathe.

I think I learned more from the expert because he gave more in depth detail about what we were learning in class and gave better explanations of all the machines. I liked how we had a person who is an expert on the topic but I did not like the fact that the call kept dropping and the quality wasn't the best. I would like chatting from other experts, I think it will be cool.

A video from our chat!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Museum Curator

I like the analysis part of the project because I got to see and read many different documents and learn  about different points of view that people had on the topic. I think analysis is important part of curating because it gets you to become an expert on the topic. If people ask you a certain question, its important that you did your analysis right because, if you did not you might not know the right answer. My group had to do our research on steam engines, and we all watched Thomas the tank engine as a kid. We made a connection to our class and our childhood, so we thought it would be a fitting title for our group. I hope that people will learn how important and revolutionary the steam engine was to the Industrial Revolution.
The poster also gives a chart of the annual income for citizens in Great Britain along with a picture of a dirty, polluted river and also gives a journal entry about the filth of the River Thames. The poster shows a map of all the coals mines in Great Britain.
 From this poster I learned that more and more kids were being taken in to produce less cotton. What I thought was very interesting was the fact that there was way more female workers than males in the cotton farms.
I learned that many children were hurt doing work. I also learned that kids were forced to work under severe living conditions. The most surprising thing about this poster was the fact the machines never stopped for one minute and some one was always working on the machines.
Displaying IMG_1600.JPGIn the last poster about the new textiles innovations, some of which were the Almond Loom and the spinning Jenny. The new machines they made were so efficient that they had to make new factories just to hold them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What made everything so revolutionary?

Our in class activity was to was to figure out what was so revolutionary about industrialization. One of the things that made the industrialization so revolutionary was the technology, the steam engine was one of those things. The steam engine was powered by coal to pump water out from the mines. Pumping the water out of the mines were important because it allowed the miners to work more efficiently and get to the resources faster. Another thing that made the technology during industrialization so revolutionary was the separation of iron from its core. This process helped to make the iron have more impurity, it also helped the economy because it was cheaper. Technology played a big role in the Industrial Revolution.

The evolution of transportation was also revolutionary during this time. With the creation of the steam locomotive it was easier for items to be sent down the tracks to the factories. When the steam engine was later invented it made trade 10-20 times more efficient because it was faster. Every bit of transportation during this time period improved one thing or another, and that is what made it so revolutionary.

James Watt Steam engine Search engine google. (i forgot how to cite a source)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Learning about media literacy

All of our class activities are used to teach us how to use media literacy responsibility because more and more classes are using technology and we have to learn how to properly use online resources. Google a day is a website made by Google, the website asks a different puzzle everyday, you have to then solve the puzzle using Google. I think the Google a day activity was a little frustrating because it would constantly freeze and not work properly. But, I think it was fun trying something different.

Accuracy is the state of being right or precise, Authenticity is the quality of being authentic and reliability is the consistency of a measure. This site did not have any of these qualities. What doesn't make this site reliable is the author is not a specialist on the topic, if you look up the author it comes to a page with a lot of made up stories about the author. Second, this site is not authentic because there are no other reliable websites about the animal. Finally, the website is not accurate because the information is not right or precise. For example, the website says the tree octopus is endangered because of the rising Sasquatch population and this is not true because there is no evidence of the Sasquatch or the tree octopus.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What makes a great teacher so great?

Hi, my name is Matt Weber and I am part of the Honors 10 History class at RMHS! My opinion the qualities of a great teacher is one that listens to their students and teaches they way that works best for the students. One of the best teacher I have had in the past was Mrs. Gleason. Mrs. Gleason would always try different ways of teaching so they class did not get repetitive. The second quality she had was the fact that she was always so happy and exciting which made the class a better atmosphere and a better place to learn. I had a teacher  another in middle school named Mrs. Marchant who make time for students, if she had time or not. One way you can support me this year is answering all my questions and helping me when I do not understand something.

I agree with John Green because a country that gives you free education deserves to have something given back to them in return. They deserve something back because they expect the next generations to help advance the world and help them move forward. My academic goals are to get better grades then I did last year because then I know that I am improving. My athletic goals are a little different because I have already achieved one of them and that is making the varsity soccer team. The next athletic goal I have is to make the JV baseball team because that will get me one step close to getting to my bigger goal which is making varsity baseball team. To achieve these goals I have to continue with my work ethic in and out of school to achieve my goals.