Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What made everything so revolutionary?

Our in class activity was to was to figure out what was so revolutionary about industrialization. One of the things that made the industrialization so revolutionary was the technology, the steam engine was one of those things. The steam engine was powered by coal to pump water out from the mines. Pumping the water out of the mines were important because it allowed the miners to work more efficiently and get to the resources faster. Another thing that made the technology during industrialization so revolutionary was the separation of iron from its core. This process helped to make the iron have more impurity, it also helped the economy because it was cheaper. Technology played a big role in the Industrial Revolution.

The evolution of transportation was also revolutionary during this time. With the creation of the steam locomotive it was easier for items to be sent down the tracks to the factories. When the steam engine was later invented it made trade 10-20 times more efficient because it was faster. Every bit of transportation during this time period improved one thing or another, and that is what made it so revolutionary.

James Watt Steam engine Search engine google. (i forgot how to cite a source)

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